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Thank you very much for contacting us. This auto-reply is just to let you know that we have received your email and will get back to you within 24 hours. 

In the meantime, if you have general questions about Rockwood’s bespoke glass and ceramic bottles or our bottling services, check out our Glass, Ceramic, and Bottling FAQs.   

If your enquiry is urgent, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or WeChat on +86 136 6195 0980.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Best regards,

The Rockwood Customer Service team

Latest news and insights from Rockwood Glass

Unveiling the science & art behind well-fitted closures, corks, and caps for alcoholic beverages

Meticulous sealing techniques between the “finish” (the moth of the bottle’s neck), and the “closure” (cork or cap) are required to guarantee 100% leak-free bottles and untainted product…without leaving aesthetics behind. Can both science and art be combined to provide consumers with an optimal experience from a noteworthy bespoke bottle? Leading bottle manufacturing companies, such as French-owned Rockwood Glass in Shanghai have R&D specialists and design teams who work together to achieve commendable results.

Inside Rockwood’s state-of-the-art bottling factory

A state-of-the-art bottling factory that has set new standards in quality, innovation, and craftsmanship. Located in an Economic Free Zone just outside the city of Shanghai, China, this bottling plant is owned by the French family-run company, Rockwood Glass. The fusion of French heritage with Chinese efficiency and innovation creates a dynamic blend that has redefined the bottling of high-end spirits and liquors in the industry.